Train Well, Sleep Well

Learn nutritional strategies to improve athletes’ sleep, enhanced recovery, and unparalleled performance.

Hi, I'm Ana Paula. I am a Brazilian Dietitian based in Barcelona, Spain, passionate about nutrition, health, wellness, and performance. My goal as a dietitian is to help those who seek my programs to embrace healthy eating, well-being, and improve performance. I help patients to find a balance in their diet, always striving for a healthy and non-radical diet.

What you will find inside the guide?

Demystifying the Sleep Cycle

Delve into the intricacies of the sleep cycle and understand how different stages of sleep impact your athletic performance.

Environmental Strategies

From optimizing bedroom conditions to creating a nighttime routine conducive to restorative sleep, unlock the secrets to creating the perfect sleep sanctuary.

Meal Plan for Better Sleep

Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to restorative sleep with my tailored meal plan designed specifically to promote better sleep quality.

Benefits of Downloading the Guide

Don’t let poor sleep and nutrition hold you back from achieving your athletic dreams. Take the first step towards unlocking your peak performance today with our comprehensive guide. Download now and embark on the journey to becoming the best athlete you can be.

3 Helpful Nutrition Tools

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